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Dajjal |
Dajjal (Arabic: الدّجّال, translit. Ad-Dajjal) is a figure in Islamic eschatology that will appear before the end of the world. Dajal is said to be infidel and evil, the biggest bearer of slander (exam) and there is no greatest test other than that.
Then the prophets before the Prophet Muhammad had also explained the Dajal to his people, just not as detailed as Muhammad's explanation, as Dajal was a blind person in one of his eyes.
Lafazh ad-Dajjal diambil dari perkataan orang Arab (دَجَلَ الْبَعِيْرَ dajala al-ba‘īr), maknanya adalah dicat dengan tertutupi dan menutupi dengannya. Makna asal dari kata (الدَّجَلُ) ad-Dajalu adalah mencampuradukkan, dikatakan “دَجَلَ إِذَا لَبِسَ وَمَوَّهَ” maknanya adalah merancukan dan mengaduk-aduk.
Jadi, Dajjal adalah orang yang merancukan, pendusta dan yang diberikan sesuatu yang luar biasa. Kata tersebut termasuk bentuk mubaalaghah (melebihkan) dengan wazan (فَعَّالٌ), jadi maknanya adalah banyaknya kebohongan juga kerancuan darinya. Bentuk jamaknya (دَجَّالُوْنَ), sementara Imam Malik menjamakkannya dengan kata (دَجَاجَلَةُ), dan termasuk jama’ taksir.
Kemudian kata Dajjal menjadi kosakata Arab yang lazim digunakan untuk istilah "nabi palsu". Namun istilah Ad-Dajjal, merujuk pada sosok "Penyamar" atau "Pembohong" yang muncul menjelang kiamat. Istilahnya adalah Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal (Bahasa Arab untuk "Al Masih Palsu") adalah terjemahan dari istilah Syria Meshiha Deghala yang telah menjadi kosakata umum dari Timur Tengah selama lebih dari 400 tahun sebelum Al-Quran diturunkan. Penjelasan ini telah disampaikan oleh Muhammad tentang akan adanya kedatangan Dajal dan para nabi sebelum Muhammad telah mengingatkan kepada kaumnya akan kedatangannya.Dajal according to the belief of the Salafus righteous are a child of Adam, he is not of the genie
class. Two contemporary scholars say that Dajal was the son of Adam, he needed to eat, drink
and others, therefore he would and could be killed by Prophet Isa. The Dajjal family, father,
mother, grandfather and ancestors are idol worshipers. They are of Jewish descent, who have
been married for 30 years but have not been blessed with a child. The story is said to have no
offspring or barrenness.
He was born in Samirah, a small country in Palestine, which later became a big city during the
time of Prophet David and afterwards.
According to the hadith Dajal has physical features such as defects in his left eye, has curly and thick hair. While another opinion says his right eye is blind. He has a large and short stature, crooked legs, curly hair, eyes are one side blind, and his eyes are blurred, and not prominent and not concave. The road is not normal, stocky, red skin, wide brows, and chest area,
Written between two eyes Dajal ك ف ر (Kaf-Fa-Ra means infidel) which can be read by illiterate people. Another hadith narrator says, he looks young, big body, rather reddish. He was a young man with a fat posture, reddish skin, curly hair, his right eye was blind, and his eyes were like ripe grapes' (not shining), Dajal's face was similar to Abdul Uzza bin Qathan (Quraish man from Khuza'ah who lived in the Jahiliyah period).Dajal is not mentioned in the Qur'an, but is in the hadith which describes the characteristics of
Dajal, the sign of his arrival and others. Then there are the hadith that explain before the arrival
of the original Dajal, there will come small Dajal-Dajal of thirty people, all of whom claim to be
messengers of Allah, have "miracles", etc.
According to the story of Tamim ad-From a Christian priest who had embraced Islam and became
a friend of the Prophet. He told of his experience of his voyage with thirty men from the Lakham
and Judzam tribes, then they were stranded on an island. On the island they met a dense haired
creature who could speak, the creature claimed to be al-Jassasah. Then al-Jassasah ordered
Tamim and his entourage to enter a monastery in which there was a very sturdy and large body,
his hands were shackled to the nape of his neck, between his knees and his ankles chained with
The island was said to be in the Sham (Arabian sea), then Muhammad explained to his
companions in more detail that the Dajal would emerge from the east.
The discharge of the beast is a sign of the great apocalypse will soon arrive, which begins when the
Muslims are having great power and his exit is to defeat that power. Before Dajal came out, humans
were tested first with drought and starvation, and the absence of rain and destruction of trees for
three consecutive years, livestock became dead.
According to the hadith explanation that Dajal will emerge from the east from the country of Persia,
called Khurasan. Ibn Kathir said that the appearance of the Dajal was from Ashbahan (Isfahan)
from an area called Jewyah. The appearance of the new Dajal was evident when he arrived
somewhere between Iraq and Sham.
In a hadith narrated by Ibn Majah, it is also stated that Dajal will appear in the midst of the Khawarij
It is said in the hadith that Dajal will enter all lands with damage, except Makkah and Madinah.
It was also said that he could not enter into four mosques, namely the Masjid al-Haram, Nabawy
Mosque, Masjid al-Aqsa and Masjid ath-Thur. Then Dajal will come to the salty plain area called
According to an ulama, the beginning of Dajal's arrival he called on Muslims to claim to be Muslims,
then claimed to be prophets and ultimately claimed to be God.
Then his followers were the majority of Jews, Arabs women, wicked people, infidels and
hypocrites, common people, various ethnic groups, children produce outside marriage, men who
are like women and women who are like men.
There are people who are friends with Dajal, and they know that Dajal is an infidel, they only hope
that they get food from Dajal.
Dajal explained in the hadith has advantages such as the miracles of the prophets, this advantage is
called istidraj, which is something that is given by Allah but is used for immorality. Dajal is able to
bring to life the dead he killed, heal blind people, people with leprosy, and will revive the dead,
bring forth fertility, bring rivers, heaven and hell, command the heavens to rain then rain falls, order
the earth to grow so plants grow. He can see and hear in many places at the same time and he has
the expertise to deceive humans.
According to the hadith of Imam Ahmad's history, he is said to have a donkey that can fly, the width
of the two ears of the donkey is 40 cubits. The white donkey has one step strength equal to one
mile of distance. The donkey eats fire and blows smoke, can fly over land and cross the ocean. Its
speed is like a cloud blown by the wind and the earth rotates to feel faster when it is in the air.
Dajal along with the demons of the Jinn infidels (Qarin) whose faces are exactly the same as those
who have long died like parents, siblings, or relatives, then the Jinns will show themselves to people
who are still alive. Then the demons will say that the Beast is God.
With the ability he has, he will declare himself God and will deceive humans into thinking. He said
that he had got up from the dead. One of the important people he will kill and then he will turn it on. After that God will revive what he killed, after that he did not have this power anymore.
Based on another source about the afterlife written by Anwar al-Awlaki, a man of faith will come
from Medina, he will meet Dajal, then he will stand on Mount Uhud, and bravely say that Dajal is
Dajal. Then he will ask, "Do you believe that I am God if I kill you and then bring you to life?" Then
Dajal killed the man of faith, after which he brought him back to life, but the man would say that he
increasingly did not believe that Dajal was God.
He came carrying some elements of nature such as water and fire, (other explanations he carried
heaven and hell) [58] rivers, and mountains of bread. Then he was able to issue treasures hidden
from the ruins, so that the treasure followed Dajal like a group of bees.
Based on a hadith that tells about Dajal. The hadith tells of a day in the dry season, Dajal will ask,
"Do you want fire or water?" If you answer water, it means the fire that is given, If the answer is fire,
it will give water. You will be given water if you acknowledge the Beast as God and if you fall away
from the religion of Allah. If you prefer fire but remain in the way of God, then you will be killed.
According to the historical hadith from Imam Muslim, Dajal will be killed by Isa in the city of Lud
(اللد al-Ludd) at the gate of the city, Palestine. According to Dr. Syauqi Abu Khalil in Athlas Hadith
al-Nabawi, Lud is a city located near Baitul Maqdis or Elia in Palestine near Ramalah.
Lud is one of the cities that developed in the plains of Sharon, which is 15 km southeast of Tel Aviv,
Israel, said the city of Lud used to be the residence of the tribe of Benjamin. The city of 12,226 km
per square has emerged since the Canaanite Period. The findings of pottery in the area show that
the City of Lud has existed from 5600 to 5250 BC.
When the Prophet Muhammad was still alive, he once told his friends, that if Dajal appeared, he
would face it to protect the companions. Here are some important points in looking after yourself
and your family based on the arguments of the hadith.
Go to the two holy lands
As protection from Dajal, Muslims can take refuge in the cities of Mecca and Medina, because Dajal
will never be able to enter the two cities, because both cities are guarded by angels.
Away from existence
When the Dajal was out, Muslims were prohibited from approaching it, as far as possible to get away
from it, to the mountainous regions. Although knowledge and faith have been felt to be very strong,
it is feared that the Syubhat will be exposed by Dajal.
Memorize the first 10 verses of the last Surah Al-Kahf
Muhammad reminded his followers to memorize the first ten verses of Surat Al-Kahf.
It is said that the beginning of the surah Al-Kahf contained amazing verses, and those who want to
contemplate the verse surely the people who read will be protected from the slander of the Dajal.
In another narration the end is Surah Al-Kahf,
In the above hadith, the Prophet S.A.W reported that whoever memorized the first or last ten verses
of Surat Al-Kahf, he was protected from the Dajjal.
Imam Nawawi said, "There are scholars who say that because of obtaining such virtue is because at
the beginning of the letter of Al-Kahf there were amazing things and signs of God's power. Of course
who ponders it properly, then he will not be affected by the fitnah of the Antichrist. Likewise the end
of Surah Al-Kahf, starting from verse,
" أَفَحَسِبَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَنْ يَتَّخِذُوا عِبَادِي مِنْ دُونِي أَوْلِيَاءَ إِنَّا أَعْتَدْنَا جَهَنَّمَ لِلْكَافِرِينَ نُزُلًا "Then do the unbelievers think that
they (can) take My servants as helpers besides Me? Indeed, We have provided Hell for the abode of
the unbelievers. "(Al-Kahf: 102) (Saheeh Muslim Syarh, 6: 84) " Among the best times to read the
letter of Al Kahf is on the night and Friday, because the reader will be illuminated by the light
between the reader and the Ka'bah. Rutinkan read the protection prayer in the final tasyahud
before greeting Muhammad also reminded his followers to pray to Allah to ask for protection from
Dajal, when the final tasyahud before salutation. His prayer reads, "Allahumma innii a’uudzubika
min‘ adzaabi jahannam, wamin adzaabil qobri, wamin fitnatil mahya wal mamaati, wa min syarri
fitnatil masiihid dajjal. " Meaning "Yes, Allah I take refuge in you from the punishment of Hell, and
the punishment of the grave, from the slander of life and after death and from the ugliness of
slander Masih ad-Dajjal." At that time, between Muhammad and his companions, there was
someone named Ibn Shayyad, he had all the characteristics of Dajal. Umar bin Khattab also swore
beside Muhammad that Ibn Shayyad was Dajal, but the Prophet Muhammad did not answer
anything because he did not get a revelation about it. That is why the Prophet Muhammad did not
state for certain that he was Dajal or others, and therefore he also said to ‘Umar, that if Ibn Shayyad
was true Dajal, then 'Umar would never be able to kill him.
Some friends agreed with what was revealed by ‘Umar, and swore that Ibn Shayyad was Dajal, as
narrated from Jabir bin Abdillah, Ibn‘ Umar, and Abu Dharr.
Then Ibn Shayyad heard what people had said about him, then he felt very hurt by it. Then he
defended himself that he was not Dajal, and berhujjah that what was reported by the prophet about
the characteristics of Dajal was not in accordance with his circumstances. Ibn Shayyad claimed that
he was a Muslim while Dajal was an infidel, he had offspring, while Dajal was barren, he could enter
the city of Makkah and Madinah, while Dajal could not.
Read Too : Imam Mahdi
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