The Black Banner Troops |
If we look at what happened recently in the Islamic world, there is much speculation about the real troops that will be sent black banner of God in the end times. What kind of gait and their doings, whether we can recognize them from the physical characteristics and their actions. Are we able to recognize him from the clothes and the flag that they use, as well as ISIS already claimed themselves are black banner troops from the east. Is it true that ISIS is one of the forces meant black banner? Or not.
Before we conclude this, then let us dig up the truth that has been outlined Quran and Hadith. Let us not be easily provoked incitement and calls to a group of people who have clear goals and objectives. Because the real teachings of Islam is not easily understood by the layman, need special skills to achieve it. There are many people and groups who take advantage of this situation, making the teachings of Islam marred and torn with creeds other similar, due to incorrectly interpret the Islam of the accused on confessions handful of people who want the name of Islam on the basis of understanding different .
"in a history of Thaifah manshurah stated," there is always a group of my Ummah who fight over the truth. they won a victory over those who fight them, until finally the last group they fight the Dajjal. "
in the various hadith saheeh has been described that there will always exist a group of Muslims who hold firm on the truth. They carry the Qur'an and Sunnah with konskuen, fight for the enforcement of Islamic law, and victory over the enemies of Islam, both from the infidels and the hypocrites and apostates. These Islamic group called al-ath-thaifah manshurah or the group that got the victory. This group will continue to exist until now mewafatkan gentle breeze blows all the faithful before the Day of Judgment later. This group started from the Prophet and all the friends, continue with generations of Islam next, until the generation of Muslims that accompanied the imam Mahdi and the Prophet Jesus in the fight against the Dajjal and rule the world based on Islamic law.
Or in other words, this group had been there since the days prophet PBUH. it is a group of people who are not easily recognized by people in general, they hide the existence of God, so it will not be easily recognized by the enemy. Al-Mahdi will come after the emergence of the Black banners from the east where the troops were always never lost by any forces. "(Ibn Majah) Eastside?
And how the characteristics of this team, whether we recognize it as easy as uniformed children who go to school? Oh! no, sometimes it does not, because the Devil will easily be able to kill them. Black banner team does not have specific characteristics and are not using any attribute, but their special feature that stands out is that they uphold the teachings of the Qur'an, sunnah and hadith. They are using the power of the mind and heart in dhikr and think. In every movement, is always accompanied by a victory at the Muslims, because Allah is always with them.
As the words and hadiths that have been forwarded many companions of the Prophet refers to the situation above, the characteristics of ath-thaifah al-manshurah or group victorious in question is a group of people who do things as follows:
1. An emerging group never mentioned exactly when and where. But they will always be present in the community, there are always among the oppressed and backward.
3. The group has a very different style of fighting with the militants in general on the battlefield, they mostly use the power of the mind and heart in the thought and remembrance.
4. Patterns and how they are trying to restore the faith of the Muslims who have deviated, they are trying to bring people back to the path of truth through symbols and rituals al Islam by peaceful means.
5. They never come to the surface by naked eye, never show yourself in front of an audience and the rulers, they carry out their mission in the small communities that are remote from the publicity and fame, are able to influence the thinking and understanding of the general public to become better and directionally.
6. they belong to a group of sincere duty to uphold the faith and therefore they never expected benefits and costs.
7. God is always there for them in every situation, street preaching simplified and kept away from any trouble.
8. God always comes to help them in various forms, especially guidance and understanding at all useful knowledge and have a broad impact on society.
This team originally consisted of a handful of people who are motivated to make changes to the composition of the social order and justification. Starting from habit to do good in one after another with the intention of helping others, continued with the help of many people and accompanied by sincere and selfless activity in turn ultimately much to inspire people to do the same. Earlier this noble desire then able to move the hearts and souls of others who share the same vision and mission to help others, then moved to the point that she is equal to the good of society at large. Start a lot of people who moved to do something useful and have a broad impact on society without thought of profit and loss, they sincerely do with all your soul.
Kontinuity of its activities are increasingly developing and bringing a wide impact in the community, is slowly beginning to improve machining wider social life. These groups are increasingly numerous and increasingly broad positive impact generated starting to feel a lot of changes for the better, many people begin to understand the beauty of Islam and will adopt various rules and principles relating to appropriate guidance Islamic Qur'an and hadith.
Eventually growing power of Islam and Islamic bernunsa ultimate truth will triumph no longer a debate in society. No more discord among Muslims and non-Muslims, but many Muslims are increasingly united. Muslims more stable truth and unity by peaceful means without hostility. No longer discriminate against ethnic, religious and social cultures, all similar role. They mingle with the living and non-Muslim kaun do a lot of economic and social activities together. No longer mutually hostile and treat the non-Muslims is the minoriats that should be banned, even these minority groups are embraced and treated well so that the two groups can go hand-in-hand to sustain life of the nation.
Likewise, the condition of non-Muslims at the time was that they could feel the quiet life in the middle of the Muslim community without having to hide his religious identity, or should separate themselves from societal relations. They do trading activities without discrimination and mutual suspicion of each other. When tranquility in society is created, then the non-Muslims began to carry out their religious rituals without fear, in this case according to the firm Him:
"for you your religion and to me my religion," (QS. Al Kafiirun: 6)
harmonious relationship continues to move towards sustainability need each other. Even if there is still the non-Muslims who hold different religious, but their religion is in conformity with the original treatises brought the prophets, such as Christianity, religion Christians who embrace this is the original religion brought by Prophet Jesus, the holy book they read is the Bible's Old Testament. Not religious engineering that made the Jews, embraced the Christian religion at the time most people are basing themselves on the true faith, is not a result of the adoption. They already know the truth it teaches the messenger, that Jesus as, where one of the contents of his teaching is not to eat pigs and not drinking wine. They want to follow what is being taught as Jesus. And pastors who lead they teach what God commanded to worship her as Jesus, God Almighty, not the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and so on.
In this religious truth haromonious and Christians can pray in peace. They have to understand that what they had been doing was wrong and they have to improve yourself by doing a variety of compliance in accordance with what is taught by the Prophet. Then finally they could feel the peace and tranquility in themselves. Muslims are no longer considered enemies but brothers.
In the majority of the people who are already aware of the truth of the Christian religion that is pure, there are some Christians who choose to accept Islam as a religion. They think that Islam is much more perfect than what was originally taught prophet Jesus as. They realized that what was brought by the Prophet Muhammad is a justification for teaching that Jesus had been delivered as yet on the teachings of the prophet Muhammad has been corrected and revised to better and more easily accepted by the human race in general. Truly, pamphlets brought Jesus as, indeed, intended for Israel not to all mankind.
"Surely the religion (blessed) with Allah is Islam. There is no disputing those who have received the Scripture differed only after knowledge had come to them, envy (that) among them. those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, Allah is swift in reckoning." (QS. 3:19)
and for those who believe in Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, they are not a barrier or barrier means for Muslims to worship and do good, because as we know that Buddhist in ajaarannya very oriented world, the material wealth and prosperity, let them busy with pleasure seeking pleasures of the world, for all their love the world will not bring them happiness and peace of life but to the soul that is empty and hollow. in the void that they will seek the light of truth, hopefully, God shows guidance to them. and eventually start many of the non-Muslims who realized the beauty of Islam from the beauty of their words / sentences delivered in Al Quran, the values of humanitarian upheld, the woman who is honored, many scientific facts that can be verified through the Koran, and so on, impress them with teachings that have been submitted Prophet Muhammad, in this case have made many changes to the previous viewpoint underestimated, they now understand the meaning of truth.
Amid the growing number of non-Muslim people in this area who have migrated and converted to Islam voluntarily and in full awareness of themselves realize the importance of having a handle on life's essentials, and it is only in Islam. They realize that the teachings of Islam is the truth that brought the Prophet messenger of God Almighty. Then Islam has been fully accepted and implemented by the community at large in the area. So if denoted by the symbol, then in a region where most of the population had converted to Islam and implement its obligations as a Muslim, then it denotes already triumph black flag berlafadz "Laaillahailallah" in the area. Thus, it has formed a group team black banner on it, that is a group of people who've discharge the rule according to Islamic Shari'a, and has become one of the caliphate.
It means: "When comes the help of Allah and victory, and you see people entering into Allah's religion in droves, then glorify your Lord and ask forgiveness of him. Indeed, He is the Giver of repentance. " (QS. an Nasr 1-3)
If you are currently in an area that is predominantly Muslim and all inhabitants have implemented Islamic law correctly, and your sincere, then lucky you, because you are one of those teams mentioned above black banner. This team is not the army who took up arms on the battlefield, but it is a special team that has established the teachings of Islam by peaceful means. The more areas that had been categorized as "Black Flag" is the faster of the Mahdi will come down. The longer the black banner was formed, the longer dajjal authorities in the region and more damage.
Widespread chaos and destruction of morality gets worse. Because the real team black banner has been eagerly awaited Muslims the world is coming from East Asia, namely Indonesia and surrounding areas, why? Because the majority of Asian Muslims are a majority Muslim group who were still mixed in with non-Muslims (multi-cultural) and most people assume it is not easy to enforce Islamic law in a complex area like this.
Because of the differences in perspective and mindset and have to tolerate all kinds of religious differences. Although in terms of number of adherents of Islam is the majority of the (very large) but it was just like bubbles in the ocean like a bobbing aimlessly. As history hadith below: Narrated Tqausan reported that the Prophet said: "will occur, united nations of the world to invade you as a group of people stormed food". One of his companions asked: "whether because of our future is a bit".
He said: "but a lot of guys like sea foam. Allah takes away the fear of chest your enemies and God imparts disease 'subordinate' in your heart. " Then someone asks again :" if the disease 'subordinate' The Messenger of Allah?
" He replied: " The love of the world and fear of death! . " (Genealogy of authentic hadith 958).
Therefore, it takes extra effort to enforce strict Islamic state as true in this multi-dimensional. The strength of the Asian Muslim faith must really tough to uphold the teachings of Islam. We must continue to fight to uphold the tenets of Islam amid the rigors of army onslaught of the devil drove every movement of Muslims in various fields with the path of peace and trust, even though it will not be easy. However difficult it is, we should not be discouraged, for the coming of strength and hope for help from Allah, take hold of the power of Allah, may Allah always add strength to our faith as strong faith and obedience. As this picture of troop black banner meant the prophet will be formed at the end of time, that there was a group of people who move to change the way menyebarakan peace and beauty of Islam, followed by those around him, and also in amini by other religions, and eventually they can enforce black flag berlafadz "Laailahailallah" above ground them together.
Black banner forces would facilitate the arrival of Imam Mahdi in the end times. So if this has happened, then the power of Allah, this area will be protected and blessed attacks of various enemies and God will continue to bestow grace and victory to its citizens. Then the hands of the Mahdi laws of Islam will be enforced as fairly and widely as possible. If we are able to make our region as one of the group "forces black banner" who had been waiting for our brothers, who are currently suffering in Middle east (Palestine, syria, egypt, yemen, syria, etc.), because they have not been enforcing Islamic Shari'a on their land (they are fragmented because of the civil war and the difference mashab), and then they pounded out by troops Antichrist (impersonate Shiite, ISIS, etc.), when troops black banner from the east came and uphold lafadz "Laaillahaillallah" then with the permission of Allah Imam Mahdi will soon fall to give lessons to the Arab rulers that has been too long in power and abetted by forces Antichrist, so they would put his power to Imam Mahdi.
as the hadith that has been mentioned, that when forces black banner from the east have already succeeded in establishing a black flag on its territory, but the Arab countries are reluctant to give his power, God immediately lower the Imam Mahdi to immediately run the government as prophecy in the hadeeth Ibn Mas'ud history below. it was narrated from Ibn Mas'ud He said, "When we were on the side of the Prophet, suddenly came a group of young men from the Bani Hashim. When the Prophet saw them, eyes teary and he turns on his face. Then I said, "We look at your face something we do not like."
Then He said, "We People of the temple, GOD has picked out hereafter to us than the world. And indeed, after my death, my family would meet with disasters and evictions until there comes a people from the east, with them there is a black banner. they ask for a favor, but they were not given, then they fight and get help so that they are given what they ask, but they are not accepted it. Until they hand over the leadership to someone from my family. then he ( Imam Mahdi) fill this earth with justice as men away with injustice. any one of you find it so go to them even if crawling on the snow. (Hadith history of Ibn Majah) forces black banner meant here is that we are all in the world this, we all still have good intentions and objectives improve life for the better and dispels all evil and hatred to jointly push for changes to the humans believe in God the Almighty One is God Almighty. Black banner shaped momentum gained to encourage the creation of a just and prosperous social system. He will remain there until the Day of Judgment.
Read Too : Ar-Rayah and Al-Liwa
the black banner